Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Day in the Life of Carter and Family!

Our day started out pretty much like every other day. Daddy woke up, got ready for work, then left, and we got up shortly after! Good morning!

Time to pick out clothes! Alex and I share a closet. We have a TON of clothes!

In the mornings, we race to see who can get dressed faster. If Alex gets dressed faster than Mommy and me, then he gets to bring two toys to school to play with. If we're faster, then he only gets to bring one toy. I did not want to cooperate this morning...but that's good for Alex!

Go Alex!!

Time for ear is already looking MUCH better though! No more drainage!

The dogs have to eat breakfast too. I like to sneak handfuls of their food and try to eat it myself, but mean Mommy makes me spit it out.

All buckled up and ready to take Alex to school!

Alex likes to sit in the lobby and wave to us as we drive off. He usually gets distracted, though, so we have to wait in front for a moment or two until he notices we're there and waves! The he runs off to the gym to play with his friends before class starts.

We got home and played for a little bit, then I was ready for a nap!

I'm a little ray of sunshine when I wake up from my naps.

Lunch time! Today we're having leftovers - apple cheddar meatballs and noodles!


After lunch we go pick Alex up from school. He has speech once a week, so we pick him up early to take him to a different school. Mommy and I hang out in the waiting area while he learns with Miss Rosemary. I like to wander in the hallway and see what kind of mischief I can get into! Today, I snatched Mommy's lens cap and carried it around, dropping it, then picking it up and talking to it.

Here you go, Mommy!

Time to go to our next destination! This is what I like to do with my shoes when I get bored in the car.

We've been taking advantage of this beautiful weather by going to the park after school. Alex has his first soccer game this weekend, so we've been bringing his soccer ball so he can practice a little bit.

We like to go to Sonic for happy hour drinks on our way to the park! Half price drinks for the win :) I don't get my own yet so I always do my best to sneak little drinks of Mommy's when she's not paying attention.

Playground time!

Just call me David Beckham!

Screw that, who wants to be David Beckham? I mean, he's hot and all (I'll probably be hotter than him when I grow up though), but really, that's all he has going for him. Let's call me Michael Ballack :)

I'd also settle for Schweinsteiger, Klose, or Podolski. Mommy's a big German national team fan, in case you couldn't tell :)

Perhaps Jens Lehmann?

This week's theme in Mommy's photo group is pictures from a distance, so she was trying to get a good picture of me to enter! She's trying to decide between this picture and the one before it.

Time to go home! Mommy wanted to play a few minutes of her Katamari rolling game, but didn't even get a whole level played before realizing just how darn tired she was. So we all laid down and took a little nap.

Daddy called to let us know he was on his way home, so we dragged ourseles out of bed to make dinner! White Minestrone soup, yum!

Don't mind the piles of mess on the table :)

I was done, so I tried to stomp on the rest of my food and climb out of my seat.

Mommy, Daddy, and Alex usually play a game after dinner. This is the one Alex usually chooses!

I supervise and make sure nobody's cheating.

Bath time for Alex! I like to play with him and distract him.

Good night, Alex! Everyone has to give him hugs and kisses.

I didn't have an afternoon nap, so I was tired! I fell asleep during my post-dinner boobie.

I was moved to my bed, but only stayed there for about an hour or so. Then I came back and snuggled to sleep for a little bit more.

And that was that! I was out now. Back to my bed...until around 1 or 2 am anyway! Then it's off to Mommy and Daddy's bed until we start the whole thing over again tomorrow!

Thanks for spending the day with us!!

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